Trusted by leading legal teams, globally

Adoption & navigation — now easier than ever

Instantly handle business requests via email

Enable business users to request for services within their inbox and receive immediate responses

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Intake requests where the business is—on Slack

Allow business users to access the service assistant via BAU channels like Slack and Teams

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Intake requests where the business is—on Teams

Gain visibility and transparency on the status, type and priority of requests & workflows

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Build an AI Front Door on your company portal

Embed an AI assistant on your company’s web portal and customize for branding

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Build an automatic & conversational request experience

  • Meet business users where they are—Slack, Teams, email, company portal & more
  • Allow a conversational experience for business users to submit their requests
  • AI assistant to intelligently interpret and respond

Resolve requests at the first contact

  • Enable higher resolution rates from the first messages, with less back and forth
  • rain the AI assistant on your company or team’s policies, FAQ and more * IN BETA *
  • Guide users through contracts, policies, approvals & advice or redirect to the relevant person or team

Unlock visibility and updates in real time

  • Report on the volume, type, status and time taken to complete requests
  • Allow business users to inquire or receive automatic updates on their request
  • Monitor AI assistant conversations for refinement & to identify optimization opportunities * IN BETA*

Everything you need to manage
your services and workflows

Design, build, deliver and maintain your workflows all in one place

Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT meets workflow automation. Two powerhouses to advance your request resolution, self-service & routing.

AI Front Door

AI Assistant

Custom Sources

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No-Code Development

Build, update and maintain workflow solutions faster and easier using a completely visual drag-and-drop canvas

Drag and drop

Development & testing

Version management

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Document Automation

Automate documents end-to-end using information intake, conditional content, bulk processing, approvals and e-signature.

Template-based documents

In-app document editor


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Workflow Automation

Automate, streamline, and execute processes between people, systems, and data using predefined business rules.

Sequential workflows

Parallel workflows


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Forms and Intake

Capture and triage information from users and systems using dynamic, logic-driven forms.

Smart forms


Web accessibility

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Decision Automation

Design complex rules and decision-tree logic including calculations, looping and weighted scores.

Decision tables

Conditional routing & logic

Number/date calculations

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Reporting & Audit Trails

Gain instant visibility and insights into your services and processes and enable data-driven decisions.


Widgets & custom filters

Data exports

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Reusability & Data

Leverage data storage and management functionality to read, retrieve and update data across workflows and external systems.


Data import & export

Low-code availaibilty

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Application Development

Build, update and maintain workflow solutions faster and easier using a completely visual drag-and-drop canvas

Drag and drop

Development & testing

Version management

Document Automation

Automate documents end-to-end using information intake, conditional content, bulk processing, approvals and e-signature.

Template-based documents

In-app document editor


Workflow Automation

Automate, streamline, and execute processes between people, systems, and data using predefined business rules.

Sequential workflows

Parallel workflows


Forms and Intake

Capture and triage information from users and systems using dynamic, logic-driven forms.

Smart forms


Web accessibility

Decision Automation

Design complex rules and decision-tree logic including calculations, looping and weighted scores.

Decision tables

Conditional routing & logic

Number/date calculations

Reporting & Analytics

Gain instant visibility and insights into your services and processes and enable data-driven decisions.


Widgets & custom filters

Data exports

Reusability & Data

Leverage data storage and management functionality to read, retrieve and update data across workflows and external systems.


Data import & export

Low-code availaibilty


AI Legal Front Door

Capture requests from anywhere and guide users through request resolution


Legal / Policy FAQ

Address policy inquiries instantly using AI or route to the relevant resource


NDA Automation

Allow employees to self-serve the generation of compliant NDAs in just minutes


Gifts & Entertainment

Simplify the registration & approval of company gifts and gratuities


Sales Agreements

Empower the sales team to self-serve the generation of agreements with ease


Trademark Clearance

Streamline the submission, review and clearance of trademarks


No-Code Automation

Enable your firm to streamline inefficient processes and build client solutions


Client Intake

Attract & win new clients by simplifying and automating the client intake process


Legal / Compliance Audit

Automate your compliance audit questionnaires and assessments


Copyright License

Automate copyright license agreements in minutes & refocus time on new revenue


Data & Security Incident

Report incidents, assess potential breaches to monitor and improve coverage


Document Approvals

Guide users through document approvals & streamline intake, review and execution



Provide a self-service portal for employees to initiate a purchase or vendor request


Approval Workflows

Guide users through approval requests, streamline review and gain visibility


Vendor Risk Assessment

Decrease time on evaluating vendors by automating your vendor risk assessments


Modern Slavery Check

Automate manual checks for suppliers’ alignment to modern slavery laws & policies


Vendor Agreements

Generate bespoke & error-free vendor agreement reports in a matter of minutes


NDA Automation

Allow employees to self-serve the generation of compliant NDAs


Project Risk Register

Provide a single digital access point for the business to register risks


Security Risk Assessment

Automate the identification, estimation, and prioritization of risks to operations & assets


Data & Security Incidents

Report incidents, assess potential breaches to monitor and improve coverage


Innovation Risk Audit

Automate the risk mitigation and management of business innovation ideas


Automated Vendor Audits

Assess a vendor’s information security, risk level, and identify any control gaps


SOC2 Readiness

Assess the compliance of suppliers against SOC2 controls and generate reports


Employment Agreements

Automate employment agreements end-to-end - from intake, review to e-signature


HR Policy FAQ

Address policy inquiries instantly using AI or route to the relevant resource


Employee Self-Service

Provide a single digital access point for the business and enable self-service


Employee Onboarding

Fast-track and streamline the onboarding experience for employees, managers and HR


Bulk Employment Letters

Meet deadlines and generate hundreds of personalized letters in just a few clicks


Job Description Generator

Enable managers to self-serve the generation of compliant job descriptions


Financial Risk Assessment

Automate the identification, estimation, and prioritization of financial risks


Automated Reports

Generate bespoke & error-free financial reports in a matter of minutes


ESIC Eligibility

Streamline eligibility assessments for ESIC tax concessions & receive tailored advice


Expense Approvals

Enable users to self-serve and efficiently lodge expense claims for approval


Sales Proposal Automation

Empower the sales team to self-serve the generation of proposals with ease


Accounts Payable Check

Automate the collection of matter and client management information for accounting

Seamlessly integrate with your
existing tools and work flow

Fit Checkbox into your current processes rather than fitting your processes to Checkbox

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No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations

Trusted by leading companies worldwide

“Without the need for technical skills or the help of IT, Checkbox has enabled us to automate intake and triage, pre-populate significant volumes of information up front, and allocate matters to the lawyers with the right expertise and availability. It is a living, breathing tool we can scale and adapt easily to maintain a legal safety blanket for the business.”

Ben Langford

Group Counsel at Woolworths


workflows automated across legal

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners

“The legal and people & culture teams have been able to focus on the people rather than the processes, whilst rolling out solutions organization-wide at a velocity that was unachievable previously.”

Richard Conway

Deputy Group General Counsel & Group Company Secretary at Coca-Cola


documents automated per year across the business

“Our legal teams spend less time on menial tasks and more time on things that require their skills and expertise, and they get to spend more face-to-face time with business stakeholders to meet business deliverables.”

Denise Doyle

Legal Transformation Lead at Telstra


hours saved per year for processes across legal

"We're no longer a roadblock to the business. Standardizing our processes with automation using Checkbox has allowed us to work on more complex business matters, making us a stronger business partner"

Georgia Petry

Legal Counsel at Xero


documents automated in first implementation


No-Code Automation
Platform - Capterra

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any further questions, Get in touch with our friendly team or email us at

What is Checkbox?

Checkbox is the leading AI workflow automation platform that enables teams to power their workflows and request management with AI. With Checkbox, build an AI-powered front door and guide business users through contract requests, knowledge, policies, FAQs and more.Develop an effective service delivery model, demonstrate and elevate value, and strengthen partnership with the business.

What is a ‘front door’?

A ‘front door’ is digital access point for business users to initiate requests for services. Services can involve help around contracts, knowledge, policies, FAQ and more.Checkbox’s AI Front Door & Assistant enables such capability but takes it to the next level by 1) meeting business users where they are whilst maintaining a standardized intake approach i.e. intake from Slack, Teams, Salesforce, email, intranet portal & more, 2) providing a intelligent, conversational experience to intake, answer, triage and facilitate requests, 3) guiding business users to self-serve automated journeys for contracts, knowledge, policies, FAQ and more, 4) unlocking visibility and updates on requests.

Which large language model (LLM) does Checkbox use?

Checkbox uses OpenAI’s large language models - the latest readily available LLM being GPT3.5.

Does OpenAI store our information?

The AI APIs we use have a zero-retention policy - meaning OpenAI cannot view any of that data, store it longer than required to process the request, or use any of it to train the AI model.
According to OpenAI’s  API data usage policies, data sent to OpenAI is stored for 30 days to prevent abuse and misuse. OpenAI does not use any of the data sent over, nor retained, to be used for training or improving their models.
Data sent over to OpenAI is not exposed to any other parties, including publicly accessible models like ChatGPT.

Can my business users “correct” what the AI Front Door says to suit their liking?

No. We explicitly tell the A.I. Front Door to only provide answers pertaining to the sources it has used to be trained. Additionally, we allow teams to provide their own prompts to further reinforce the responses provided by the users.

Elevate value and strengthen partnership with the business