NO-code solution template

Gifts & Entertainment Policy Approval

Simplify the management of company gifts and gratuities by giving employees an intuitive way to register, receive and track approval.

Trusted by leading legal teams, globally

Automation Platform - 
Reduce Turnaround Time

Provide an intuitive business experience

Enable a conversational or self-service experience for submitting requests on Slack, email and more

Automation Platform - 
Refocus the team on higher value work

Maintain compliance with laws & regulation

Ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and company policies for internal and external audits

Automation Platform - Eliminate errors
and maintain compliance

Improve your legal team’s efficiency

Reduce time spent on simple FAQ and refocus valuable lawyer time on high-value strategic work

How It Works

See the Gifts & Entertainment Policy Approval template in action.

AI Legal Assistant

Enable users to self-serve and submit policy questions for the AI legal assistant to intelligently review and respond

gifts & entertainment approval

Routing & Alerts

Route requests to the relevant self-service tool or redirect complex/unmanaged requests to a lawyer.

gifts & entertainment approval

Policy Management

Train the legal AI chatbot on your company or team’s policies, FAQ and more

gifts & entertainment approval


Gain instant visibility into requests and conversations - from statuses, turnaround times, alerts and more

gifts & entertainment approval


Leverage data storage functionality to retrieve and update data across documents, workflows and external systems

gifts & entertainment approval


Gifts and entertainment policy approvals are critical for maintaining compliance with laws, regulations, and company policies that govern the giving and receiving of gifts in a business context. Gifts can be seen as a potential source of influence or bribery, especially when they come from or go to individuals or entities with which the company does business. A gifts and entertainment workflow is important for compliance purposes in accordance to bribery & corruption laws, for internal and external audits, for avoiding conflicts of interest, and for cultural sensitivity. Thus, a well-defined gifts and entertainment workflow plays a significant role in helping companies maintain compliance with legal and ethical standards, promoting transparency, and reducing risk.

Seamlessly integrate with your
existing tools and work flow

Fit Checkbox into your current processes rather than fitting your processes to Checkbox

Get Started
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations
No-Code Automation Platform - Integrations

Enjoy greater control over the time & cost of digital transformation

Quickly realize and justify the value of your automation investment.

Frequency of workflow per month
Number of {type} hours to complete one workflow
Number of business user hours spent per workflow
Average salary of workflow participants per hour
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Estimated savings/ROI


Annual hours saved per workflow


Annual cost savings


No-Code Automation
Platform - Capterra

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any further questions, Get in touch with our friendly team or email us at

What is Checkbox?

Checkbox is the leading no-code service automation platform that empowers business functions to automate their tedious, manual processes and streamline their service delivery.

This enables teams to better manage and scale their services to improve access, value, and speed to the business.

Do you have templates for gifts & entertainment approval so we do not have to start from scratch?

Yes, Checkbox has templates for gifts & entertainment approval and for common use-cases across legal, human resources, compliance, IT and more, which you can get access to. Any application built in Checkbox can also be exported with a single click to enable template sharing.

Can Checkbox integrate with our existing systems or database?

Yes, applications built on Checkbox can be integrated with any other system that has available REST APIs. Integrations within Checkbox applications typically streamline the flow of data and trigger events across your existing systems and workflow. You can pull data and documents from other systems into Checkbox and conversely push data and documents into other systems automatically.

Key integrations with Checkbox include DocuSign, AdobeSign, Xakia, LawVu, Salesforce, Sharepoint, Google Drive and more.

What is the profile or skill sets of users who typically build on Checkbox?

Checkbox is no code. Our completely visual drag and drop application builder means that anyone, including those with no technical background can build their own automation and workflow tools without coding or IT knowledge. We have lawyers, HR, procurement, risk and compliance professionals, business analysts all building on Checkbox, and across many different seniority levels (C-Suite, middle managers and interns).

How long does it take to build an application on Checkbox?

Checkbox is designed to be the fastest no-code development platform. We have seen simple applications (e.g. NDA automation) built in just 15 minutes, right up to complex end-to-end business processes (e.g. complete automation of an organization’s entire procurement framework) built over a few months. Regardless of the size and complexity of the solution, Checkbox’s completely visual drag and drop application builder allows solutions to be built and deployed in a fraction of the time, risk, and cost compared to traditional IT development.

Checkbox is no-code, but do you allow for coding if we want to?

Yes. Whilst Checkbox is no-code, some use-cases may still require coding either due to complexity or the need for integrations with other systems. The Checkbox authoring studio provides a component which enables code to be written and executed as part of the workflow, often leveraging the skill set of IT staff to build upon the no code foundation built by the business users.

Digitize and scale the delivery of your services