Telstra is Australia’s leading telecommunications and technology company, offering a full range of communications services and competing in all telecommunications markets. In Australia, they provide 18.8 million retail mobile services, 3.8 million retail fixed bundles and standalone data services and 960,000 retail fixed standalone voice services.
Corporate Legal
30,000+ employees
6,000+ hours saved per annum
Developed a digital front door for legal requests
Idea to deployment in 8 weeks
“Through automating our processes, we’ve saved over 6,000 hours per annum across all the apps we’ve developed. Our lawyers spend less time on menial tasks and more time on things that require their skills and expertise, and they get to spend more time on things that require their skills and expertise, and they get to spend more face-to-face time with business stakeholders to meet business deliverables.”

Telstra’s lawyers were looking at how to reduce the effort involved in automating manual documents and answering repeat questions about process or legal issues. Telstra has focused on optimising its operations and how employees work, and is enhancing the use of digital technologies among its almost 30,000 staff to achieve this goal.
For Telstra Legal, a key priority was finding a way to leverage automation with tools that can trigger a cultural change.
“A number of industry pressures moved us from our old model of lawyers dedicated to specific clients, to a more centralised one – where a broader pool of lawyers could pick up new matters coming through the door. We needed a digital tool to be that door, and Checkbox is a key piece in enabling us to deliver legal services in this new way.”
Telstra selected Checkbox to give its legal team a full suite of no-code app development features in a single platform. Lawyers can build feature-rich legal apps and services through an easy-to-us, drag-and-drop use interface, eliminating manual processes and legacy workflows.
Telstra initially deployed Checkbox to automate a handful of specific processes, with the effectiveness of the platform inspiring Telstra’s lawyers to scale up and use it to develop the digital front door for legal requests, an app names Engage Legal, a front door for all legal requests.
Engage Legal allows business stakeholders to provide information to the legal team through a guided questionnaire covering all potential scenarios. Engage Legal then uses that data to route the client to the appropriate resource, whether that’s an automated self-service tool, or a lawyer.
Many of the automated self-service tools recommended byEngage Legal have been created with Checkbox, including intake and triage, non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), variation and novation agreements, and memorandums of understanding (MoU). By leveraging Checkbox to build apps that automate these processes, Telstra can efficiently get instructions, look for patterns and provide automated guidance.
Telstra’s legal team used Checkbox’s business process automation (BPA)platform to design and create a digital front door for all legal engagements, allowing the telecommunications provider to restore almost 4,000 hours in productivity, and increase lawyers’ capacity to focus on strategic counsel, negotiation, and other complex work. Using a full suite of no-code app development features in a single platform, lawyers have built feature-rich legal apps and services through an easy-to-use, drag-and-drop user interface, eliminating extensive manual processes and legacy workflows.
As Telstra Legal takes an increasingly strategic role in an expanding enterprise, the team uses Checkbox’s no-code process automation to focus on the high-value and complex work, with the assurance the grunt work is being completed.
The Future
Telstra has used Checkbox to modernize how their legal team works, and the company aims to expand the platform and the benefits it delivers to Human Resources (HR), Sustainability and Accounting teams.
For Example, Telstra HR developed an app with Checkbox that has automated thousands of employment agreements, including new contracts as departments and roles change. Employees can now complete their contracts through a secure digital portal, pre-populated with information for their role, and a cover letter containing advice from HR experts to make the process simple. This has enabled Telstra HR to meet time-sensitive deadlines while improving the employee experience when engaging with HR processes.
They will also continue to investigate the automation of more complicated agreements, such as its standard technology procurement contracts. The next priority for Telstra is building a tool to speed up the ability to advise on product exits, which has become a high priority as Telstra goes through a radical product simplification drive.