Air New Zealand Takes Flight with NDA Document Automation

30-60 min Saved per NDA
Improved Legal Reputation
Deployment in 4 Weeks

The highly manual process for negotiating NDAs had become a major sticking point

Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are vital for protecting sensitive information in any business. But for the legal team at Air New Zealand, the highly manual process for negotiating NDAs had become a major sticking point. It was creating frequent delays and impacting the team’s ability to focus on more significant work. They desperately needed to automate the process, but budget and resource constraints meant that finding the right tool that could do it all for less was a challenge.

Finding the right solution that balanced the functionality, support and budget

Leading the charge to find a solution was Senior Legal Counsel, Sam Bailey. “Having looked at a few options, it was proving difficult to find the right system that balanced the appropriate functionality and support with the budget and resource constraints of the airline. “We had been exploring a few options to try and get it right. The tool we were using prior did an okay job, but it wasn’t where we needed it to be in terms of relationship management and budget.”

Fortunately, they came across Checkbox, which offered the automation specifications, dedicated support, speed to market, and budget requirements the legal team required. Without hesitation, Checkbox was brought in. The speed at which the project was able to get up and running was a testament to how well Checkbox can execute their system and how easy they make it for clients to onboard the platform. Additionally, the Checkbox system allowed the legal team at Air New Zealand to focus more of their efforts on the larger strategic activities that make a difference.

Outcomes within the first 6 months

Checkbox’s no-code automation platform allowed Air New Zealand to fully automate their NDA process. This enabled the legal team to improve the NDA processes for all stakeholders and deliver significant time and budget savings.

  • The legal team saves between 30 – 60 minutes per NDA
  • Kick-off to go-live date took just four weeks
  • The end-to-end NDA process is now much faster and more streamlined
  • The legal team are seen as ‘innovative’ and the business has a positive perception of them
  • Automating manual processes has given legal more time to get involved in high value and strategic work

350+ Bespoke Employee Letters Automated

1000+ Documents Generated

15+ Workflows Automated

"The whole process has just been incredibly seamless. That’s not easy to achieve when you've got so many moving parts, especially within a large organization like Air New Zealand where attention and resources are being dragged in every direction."

Sam Bailey

Sam Bailey

Senior Counsel at Air New Zealand

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Read more of how Checkbox empowered Air New Zealand to navigate through their challenges with automation solutions

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